अगर आपके पास भी एक Dehati bf है तो आपको यहां पर बहुत मजा आने वाला है आज हम आपको बताएंगे कि कैसे आप देहाती बीएफ वीडियो देख पाएंगे आज हम आपके लिए HD में Dehati bf देने वाले हैं अगर आप कोई है पसंद आती है तो इस वीडियो को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों को शेयर करें Dehati bf Hindi Mein अगर आप देहाती बीएफ बनाना चाहते हो या देहाती बीएफ देखना चाहते हो तो आज हम आपके यहां पर दिखाएंगे कि कैसे देहाती बीएफ बना सकते हो यदि आप गांव देहात आदि में रहते हैं तो आपके यहां पर देहाती बीएफ देखने को मिल जाएंगे देहाती बीएफ बहुत ही मुश्किल से मिलती हैं अगर आप हिंदी में देहाती बीएफ देखना चाहते हैं तो आज आपके यहां पर full HD में Dehati bf देखने को मिल जाएगी hindi bf dehati देहाती हिंदी बीएफ देखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके आप यहां देख सकते हैं और नीचे बहुत सारी वीडियो दी गई है इन वीडियो पर क्लिक करके आप सारी देहाती बीएफ हिंदी में देख सकते हैं अगर कोई भी वीडियो नहीं चल रही है तो आप हमें कमेंट करके बताएं हम आपको फुल एचडी में हिंदी बीएफ प्रोवाइड करवाएंगे
The process of laying bricks in a row with the help of "mortar" is known as brick masonry, this whole work forms a wall, and the "Mortar" which makes the wall strong, that can withstand a huge load.
When you are making mortar, it's most important to know what ratio is used to make mortar, here are usually use two types of brick masonry one is 4-inch brickwork and the other is 9-inch brickwork.
The ratio of mortar for Brick Masonry
- 9-inch brickwork - 1: 6
- 4.5-inch brickwork - 1: 4
Sand cement ratio must be as per instruction if the sand ratio is more then it will decrease the strength of mortar and increase the setting time.
Ensure that all the joints in brickwork must be alternate or staggered from the previous joint and the frog face of brick must be upward while lay bricks for brick masonry.
The most important thing is to be noted that all the layers of brick masonry laid should be plumb by plumb bob equipment.
In brick masonry, there are many types of brick bonds, in this article, we will talk about the bond which is mostly used in brickwork.
Types of Brick Masonry or Bond
The style or pattern in which brick is laid which cuts the joint in brickwork.
- Stretcher Bond
- Header bond
- English bond
- Flemish Bond
To understand these bonds we have to know about the bricks and its all face and type. Many names of brick are made when it is broken by a tool. All these broken parts are known by different names.
Stretcher Bond
Bricks are laid in a stretcher pattern in a wall with mortar, known as stretcher bonds. This type of bond is only used in the 4.5-inch brick masonry wall, these walls may be non-load bear wall, partition wall, etc.
When building a 4.5-inch wall, it ensures that the height of the wall should not increase more than 4 -5 feet, this may cause the wall to tilt. And always use bender in brick masonry after laying of 5-6 layers of bricks with mortar.
Header Bond
The systematical arrangement of brick with mortar in which the header face is shown in the wall. At over the joint in each course header face will available.
While Begining the brick masonry after the one course the quoin closer is used ( Thrice quarter brickbat ).
English Bond
The brickwork in which one course of stretcher bond and another course of header bond is used above the stretcher course is known as English bond.
This is the strongest bond in brick masonry which is majorly used in 9 inches brickwork. To break the vertical joint of in brick masonry the quoin closer is used at the beginning and end of the wall.
Flemish bond
The arrangement of placing bricks in each course in with header and stretcher. In this bond, each header is placed in between the stretcher above and below the course to cut the vertical joint.
Flemish bond is used for brick foundation when brickwork is more than the 9-inch thickness. This kind of bond rarely used in this era.
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