अगर आपके पास भी एक Dehati bf है तो आपको यहां पर बहुत मजा आने वाला है आज हम आपको बताएंगे कि कैसे आप देहाती बीएफ वीडियो देख पाएंगे आज हम आपके लिए HD में Dehati bf देने वाले हैं अगर आप कोई है पसंद आती है तो इस वीडियो को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों को शेयर करें Dehati bf Hindi Mein अगर आप देहाती बीएफ बनाना चाहते हो या देहाती बीएफ देखना चाहते हो तो आज हम आपके यहां पर दिखाएंगे कि कैसे देहाती बीएफ बना सकते हो यदि आप गांव देहात आदि में रहते हैं तो आपके यहां पर देहाती बीएफ देखने को मिल जाएंगे देहाती बीएफ बहुत ही मुश्किल से मिलती हैं अगर आप हिंदी में देहाती बीएफ देखना चाहते हैं तो आज आपके यहां पर full HD में Dehati bf देखने को मिल जाएगी hindi bf dehati देहाती हिंदी बीएफ देखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके आप यहां देख सकते हैं और नीचे बहुत सारी वीडियो दी गई है इन वीडियो पर क्लिक करके आप सारी देहाती बीएफ हिंदी में देख सकते हैं अगर कोई भी वीडियो नहीं चल रही है तो आप हमें कमेंट करके बताएं हम आपको फुल एचडी में हिंदी बीएफ प्रोवाइड करवाएंगे
How to read a measuring tape in mm, cm, inches & soot
After reading the title you already knew what about we are going to discuss here, Before searching about How to read the measuring tape in mm, cm, inches, and soot you have to know about measuring we will discuss also about it later.
Queries are not only How to read a measuring tape also arise What is soot in measuring tap, How many mm in one Soot, How many feet in one inch, How many soot in one inch, But these are also the common, simple and most important questions for general knowledge and practice because we always use in daily life for example while purchasing any electrical or plumbing pipe, it may be purchasing nut and bold do you know these items are available on hardware shop in dimensions of mm and soot. If you didn't know anything as from these, so carry on reading this article completely I will give you a full explanation with images and mathematically method.
Important point
A measuring tape hook made of the metallic component in a straight direction have you ever concern or raise a question about why that hook moves slightly in and out (every pocket tape) as you can see in the above image. Some people told that its a manufacturing defect but it has a reason why it moves in and out or floats.
For example when we measure a wall inside wall to wall then tape hook push in the direction of another wall which results inaccurate measurement,
When we measure the outer wall to wall then tape pulls toward the direction of measurement it also compensating the thickness of the hook while measuring.
First of all, we will discuss........
What are the Measuring tap and its type?
Measuring Tape is an instrument that is used for measurement to measure any object in length, width and height in mm, cm, inch, and soot.The measuring tape is of two type
1. Cloth measuring tape2. Metallic measuring tape
Cloth measuring tape:- These measuring tapes are made of cloth which is suitable for measuring in the wet area because it does not get rust or never spoiled with water but has a disadvantage liable to break easily when stretching in straight.
Metallic measuring tape: -This measuring tape is made of metal like steel, iron, and invar which is not suitable for measuring in the wet area because it gets rust and spoiled with water.
What is soot?
Soot is the form of niche or you can say partition of an inch in soot or when an inch is differentiated we get soot. In one inch always having 8 soot not you are thinking HOW? we didn't get the idea or not understood, So let's see the example
when we divided the one inch to 1 foot then we get the soot, do you know How many inches in 1 foot, I hope you already know very well that is 12 inches in 1 foot
Now, divide one inch to twelve inches
1/12 = 0.0833333.......
As you can see here we get 0.08 that is the soot and You also ask question How many feet in one inch? The answer is 0.08 feet and 8 soot inches.
Perhaps still now have learned about soot but the biggest question is How can we see it in measuring tape?
Keep your eyes on this image which will clear your all doubt First look (Count only big line that is 8 between 2 to 3 inch) with an arrow pointing on the upper side. These big lines are soot which is eigh and cou6nt all line which is 25 that is mm in one inch.
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